Monday, September 14, 2020

Wishing and Hoping

       I think I have used this title before, but as we careen down the road to another "most significant election in history", it seems like we are wishing and hoping that somehow the nightmare of four more years of tRump will not come to pass.   But it will take more than than that to excise the orange boil on our democracy.

        First and foremost, make sure you and everyone in your family votes.  Sure, your crazy uncle will probably vote for Cheetolini, but the exercise of everyone's right to vote can survive a few minor aberrations.   Once you have the voting plan in place, donate to your favorite local candidates.  Down ballot races are the lifeblood of democracy.  Far too many democrats focus on the presidential election and ignore their local congressional races.   Finally, get involved.   I intend to make calls for my local candidate for Congress.   She may be a long shot against Elise Stefanik, a fervent tRump ass kisser, but at least she is in the arena.   Wishing and hoping won't get it done this time.

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