Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Who could have predicted

          Among the avalanche of books about the tRump White House, there are two more additions today.  While many of the early releases were written at a second or third hand remove from the action, Melania and Me and Donald Trump v United States were written in the first and second person, respectively.

        Stephanie Wolkoff, who ran much of tRump's inauguration festivities is writing to clear her name and in the process take down the public perception that the First Lady is an unwilling participant in the tRump family's grift.   I'm sure there are juicy, gossipy bits throughout the book, but i won't be reading it.

      Michael Schmidt's book about Cheetolini's capture of the non partisan areas of American government, especially justice and intelligence is probably worth a read, although in this case, Schmidt's main sources are in it for self justification.   Don McGahn and John Kelly come off as tRumpian lickspittles who wish to be perceived as trying to rein in the Dear Leader's worst impulses.   Instead, they, along with Rod Rosenstein enable the corruption of the DoJ and FBI and pave the way for even more egregious hacks like William Barr to further democracy's downfall in service to a malignant narcissist.   Where were these paragons when the actual dirty work was being done, including the curtailment of the FBI's investigation into tRump's ties with Russia.   

     The very fact all these books are being written in the context of the 2020 election is a clarion call to bring this administration down before it brings down America.

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