Thursday, September 24, 2020

Stolen election porn

       Now comes an article in The Atlantic magazine, detailing how the tRump campaign is going to steal the election in November.   Barton Gellman, the author, describes voter intimidation, ballot stealing and even colluding with state legislatures to vote in tRump electors instead of respecting the people's choice.  Obviously  these plans did not come from Cheetolini, whose powers of concentration rival those of a fruit fly.   These plans exhibit the fingerprints of Billy Barr and Moscow Mitch.

      I haven't read the 10,000 word article, but I am curious as to who Gellman thinks is the mastermind behind plans to deploy more than a thousand lawyers to challenge voters' signatures on mail in ballots.  The Biden campaign has its own army of litigators set to go as well.  My main worry is the perennial failure of Democrats to realize Republicans will always bring a gun to a knife fight.

     As one pundit put the challenge to Democratic voters, we must run up the score so even the most hardened partisan will realize the will of the people is to be done with Cheeto Jesus in the wake of the most disastrous 4 years in American history.

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