Thursday, September 10, 2020

Whiteness and the President*

       After the revelations preceding the release of Bob Woodward's latest book, there are no words to describe the hubris and stupidity of the man our nation entrusted with the nuclear codes.   As Rachel Maddow put it, " If this was a book, this is the chapter where he resigns".   After being outed on tape describing the coronavirus as "deadly" all the way back in February, but continuing to deny it in public until April, tRump basically admitted causing tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations.   Timely action by the government could have greatly diminished the effects of the pandemic, but Cheetolini stood in the way of his experts because of his fears of a falling stock market.

      While even Maddow knows there is little possibility of tRump resigning from office as long as his base is still behind him, many wonder if perhaps this is the last straw and his supporters will start to stampede to Biden.   Unfortunately, this is not a realistic possibility.   I personally know a pretty good cross section of tRump voters and short  of a nuclear war, nothing will change there minds regarding voting for the president*.   In most cases, these white men have invested far too much of their political capital in an authoritarian buffoon to switch at this point.  In the face of an avalanche of news concerning his serial crimes, the average tRump voter will either rationalize the behavior or cry "fake news".  Besides, owning the libs is the point.   After 8 years of a competent black man leading the country, any white man, even one as manifestly unfit as Cheeto Jesus is better than the alternative.    

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