Monday, September 28, 2020

Another nail

        As if there were any reasons left for supporting the president* in the upcoming election, a new blockbuster piece in the NYT last night conclusively removed the "he's a successful businessman" meme from the list.

       tRump has refused to release his tax returns to the public, ostensibly because he is under audit by the IRS, and ha spent freely to keep them secret.  The Times reporters, who are incidentally the same who documented the Trump family's tax frauds in the 1980s and 90s.  These frauds were used to pass on Fred Trump's wealth without paying any inheritance taxes.  tRump's tax returns show a far more illegal use of the tax system.   When a supposed billionaire pays nothing to the IRS for 10 out of 15 years and a meager $750 the year he won the presidency, it seems to me prima facie evidence of crimes being committed.

    Of course, if the right wing media covers this story, it will put a gloss on the illegality, telling listeners that all wealthy people game the system and if we had access to high powered tax lawyers we could write off junior's tree house as a business expense.   This toxic fairy  tale impugns all the people who contribute to the defense of the country as well as the myriad expenses of the modern nation state.  

    This is not a case of "both sides do it".   Cheetolini failed to show his taxes to the American people because he has a lot of explaining to do.  What else do we not know about a president* who has as much as half a billion dollars of bills coming due in the next several years.   We need to find out before election day.

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