Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Let's play hardball

      While the title of this post quotes the odious Chris Matthews, the spirit applies to Democrats as tRump and McConnell propose to enshrine a conservative majority in the Supreme court for a generation.  Appealing to cultural norms or even Republican pledges is a fool's errand.  It is time for Dems to play hardball if they win a majority in the Senate.

      Statehood for DC and Puerto Rico are surely on the table.   How about Guam?  Packing the Supreme Court would be next on the agenda.   Surely 4 new 30 something millenials would give Joe Biden and his agenda their stamp of approval.   Conservatives have been playing the long game on judicial appointments for 40 years, confirming men and women to whom the progressive agenda is anathema.  Democrats can erase this advantage immediately so small d democratic legislation can be passed and upheld by a court no longer beholden to Republican daddies.

      Of course all these suggestions assume Chuck Schumer and his caucus are not just as firmly in the pockets of American oligarchs as McConnell and tRump.   Here is their chance to prove it if the levers of power are delivered to them by voters in November.   If they fail to act, then my nephew will have been proved right to disdain the Democratic party as a frail imitation of the Republicans.

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