Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day

       Over the years I have been writing this blog, Labor Day has always presented a problem for me.   I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment behind the holiday, but have always had problems with the way the day is used by politicians.   In the Covid 19 emergency there will probably be few parades and hopefully gatherings will be kept to a minimum.   

       The future of work should be in our thoughts today.  While many jobs will still be performed by human beings 25 years from now, many, especially those in the "knowledge economy" will be taken over by AI or artificial intelligence.   From reading and interpreting X-Rays and MRIs in medicine to writing the latest news for media outlets to driving big rigs cross country, automation is coming for your job.  Those of us lucky enough to be able to work from home during the pandemic should take note.  My own job, vegetable sales will someday soon be easily replaced by a computer which will more easily match supply with demand.   The same will happen to many other occupations in the near future.

      What will we do with the millions of people whose reason for getting up each morning is to do an honest day's work for pay?   Just something to think about this Labor Day.

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