Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Alternate Reality

        I live in a universe where Rachel Maddow can spend an entire show reading excerpts from a tell all book by an ex-friend of Melania Trump.   In an alternate reality,  someone tuning in to Tucker Carlson's White Power hour on Faux News is treated to non-stop praise of a 17 year old who allegedly killed 2 protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin and wounded another.   How does one reconcile these drastically skewed visions of what constitutes reality?

      I guess you could wait for Trevor Noah to make sense of it on his comedy channel Daily Show.  Or wait even longer for This Week with John Oliver's profane take on both Maddow and Carlson.  It's a little scary that Comedy Central and HBO offer a more reality based take on the news than the supposed mainstream media.

      Meanwhile, in the WaPo, Dana Milbank declared the president's* plane took off for Kenosha yesterday, but somehow landed on "Planet Zog".   tRump's tour of the damage caused by looters and vandals in the aftermath of the Jacob Blake shooting and his subsequent roundtable praising the paramilitary policing were yet more jarring side trips to a different reality than the one most of us inhabit.  I think we need to agree on a shared experience or by November 4 our nation may experience a psychotic break.

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