Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The tRump voter

       As the "typical" tRump voter becomes more and more hesitant to declare his/her allegiance to the president*, some pundits have sought out an even rarer specimen, democrats who have switched loyalties even if Cheetolini has made his disdain for them evident.

      So it was that NYT columnist Bret Stephens was able to find a Manhattan lesbian who is voting for tRump.    A former Bernie Sanders fan, Chris, no last name please, is voting for tRump mostly because the stock market is filling her 401 K at a blistering pace.   I guess Stephens didn't point out the market does not reflect any genius on tRump's part.  The Federal Reserve has pumped over a trillion dollars into Wall Street to avoid a catastrophe caused by the coronavirus pandemic.  But I digress.

      Chris also approves a buffoonish foreign policy, the president's* serial sexual assaults and only hesitated at the Charlottesville incident.   This "interview" was conducted before the latest revelations about Cheetolini's taxes, so there is a little journalistic malpractice going on.  Shown the criminal tax evasion practiced by the president, it is possible Chris may have changed her mind. 

     I can only imagine Stephens' next scoop;  the surviving Koch brother  is a secret Biden voter! 

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