Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Outrage meter maxed out

      Following the latest outrages perpetrated by tRump and his merry band of nihilists is exhausting and ultimately futile.   It seems there  is no norm they will not violate, no agency of the government they will not compromise and no lie they will not tell in service to the dear leader.   The Divine Mrs. M has stopped watching the news in an effort to preserve her sanity.

      Now the media has given up on the horse race metaphor since Cheetolini is so far behind in most polls.   In an effort to keep eyeballs on the screen we are now treated to endless articles on how the president* will steal the election if he is within a certain margin on election day.  Of course tRump aids this effort on a daily basis, telling his followers the election is rigged unless he wins.  Most of these poor souls are so far into the right wing news bubble they swallow this garbage and prepare for armageddon.

     There seems to be little the average person can do except to keep informed, donate to democrats with a credible chance of being elected and be prepared for the blizzard of BS which will hit the proverbial fan on election day and the weeks following.  

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