Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Booking to the election

        It feels as if a new book full of revelations of bad behavior by the president*drops nearly every week.  Virtually anyone who is related to him or worked for him but had a falling out is willing to write a tell all.   From Omarosa to Mary Trump and now Michael Cohen we have been treated to a barrage of charges of grifting, bigotry, malignant narcissism and outright sexual assault.   The result seems to be a collective yawn.   His supporters are seemingly immune from disgust at the charges and the rest of us buy the books and shake our heads at the revelations.

      As we get closer to the election, both sides fear and expect tampering with the results.   Democrats fear voter suppression and tampering with the Post Office to slow ballots in the mail.  Republicans just fear a fair count, although as usual they project their own behavior and shout about vote fraud.    Meanwhile, the Russians hover in the background looking for a way to influence the election in tRump's favor.

      Some say this will be the highest turnout election ever and say it is all about persuasion.  Others say it is all about turning out the base.  Whichever is true, the best strategy for dems is to make the election a referendum on tRump and his character.   

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