Friday, September 18, 2020

Rats, Ship, etc.

      Another day, another tRump administration functionary recording an anti-tRump ad because she couldn't take any more of the BS.   This time it was a highly placed member of the laughably named Coronavirus Task Force.   As Ms. Troye said, their task was for the most part keeping Cheetolini satisfied with a lot of happy talk about how he was handling the pandemic.

     As we approach the election I would assume more and more officials will be looking at the polling and deciding it would be better to jump ship with a juicy story to tell than remain and go down without a trace.   Ms. Troye's contribution is the tidbit concerning tRump's exclamation that maybe Covid 19 wasn't too bad since now he doesn't have to shake hands with those "disgusting people".   Troye joins another Homeland Security alumnus who decried the president's handling of the problems at the US southern border.  

     I'm pretty sure most of the "disgusting people" won't change their minds about their hero.  I doubt the second coming would shake the allegiance many feel for this horrifying imitation of a human being.  However, look for a steady trickle perhaps turning to a flood of people leaving the administration in the next few weeks.

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