Friday, September 4, 2020

A last full measure

         "Suckers" and "losers" is how the president* described those who gave the last full measure of devotion to their country.   Despite a roar of denial from the White House, Jeffrey Goldberg's story in The Atlantic, quoting tRump as he declined to visit a gravesite in France in 2018 was confirmed by the AP and there is little doubt he said what he is reported to have said.
        I checked the NYT and WaPo this morning and both carried stories on page one.  However, if Obama had been found to have disrespected our fallen as well as disabled veterans, there would have been half a dozen stories and most GOP members of Congress would have been calling for impeachment.  I'm sure they will be asked for their reactions today, but of course will offer some BS excuse to dodge the question.
      Had any previous president exhibited such a complete lack of empathy for the fallen, his campaign would have ended as of last night.   I suppose even a recording of tRump disparaging all veterans in the same manner he once did to John McCain wouldn't move his core supporters.  However, I think that among the millions of presently serving soldiers, sailors and marines and veterans and their families, Goldberg's story and its confirmation may have real world consequences.    

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