Friday, September 11, 2020

Tap Dancing around the obvious

     Is the president* of the US a criminal.  A very vocal minority certainly believes that if tax evasion, money laundering, sexual assault and accepting help from a foreign adversary are crimes, tRump certainly fits the definition.  In light of Bob Woodward's conversations with Cheeto Jesus on tape in which the latter admits to knowing how deadly the coronavirus was as early as January, we may want to add manslaughter to the docket of his crimes.

     Paul Krugman nearly calls for the manslaughter charge in his NYT column today.  He lays out the timeline and the number of deaths that may have been avoided if the president had displayed leadership instead of "downplaying" the threat numerous times before finally admitting how serious the situation had become.    Even now, Cheetolini is urging everyone to get back to bars, restaurants and schools even without any federal guidance on how to do so safely.  Pro tip;  in the absence of a safe and effective vaccine there is no safe way to open the previously mentioned establishments.   Krugman ends his column saying tRump may be responsible for many preventable deaths.

    In another corner of the Op-Ed pages, Michelle Goldberg cribs from Jerry Seinfeld, saying that "nothing matters" in the tRump administration.  The endless series of scandals has numbed us to any true accountability of any of the criminals involved.  Woodward's latest book is just one more door stop.  The only thing that will provide some relief is the election.  Then we can begin the herculean task of cleaning the Augean Stables of this administration, beginning with the trial and conviction of its leader.

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