The Yankees had a good night in Cleveland. They beat the Indians and Shawn Bieber 13-3. A few blocks away, Democracy had a very bad night in Cleveland. Although Joe Biden was the clear winner, it was an ugly night, driven wild by an addled demagogue who seems hell bent on taking America down with him when he is defeated in November.
The moderator of the "debate", Chris Wallace tried to restrain tRump on numerous occasions when the president* shouted over Biden and Wallace. He completely disregarded the rules agreed upon by both campaigns and showed a stunning disregard for decorum and norms that made his debates with Hillary Clinton look like a ladies' tea party. If I was Wallace, I would have shut the mikes and the lights off midway through the proceedings and walked off the stage. As it is, his reputation as a tough but fair moderator is toast.
I think Biden made the best of a bad situation. Several times during a nightmarish 90 minutes he looked into the camera and spoke directly to America, promising to be the president of all the people, not just those who support him. I believe a small but significant cohort of tRump's supporters will look at last night with the disgust most of us felt and switch their allegiance. I believe a tidal wave is coming.