Thursday, January 18, 2018

The hurts

This morning, I steeled myself and checked out the letters to the editor section of the paper of record.   Because the Gray Lady has consistently criticized the tRump administration (or lack thereof) since its inception, the editors felt they needed to print letters from supporters of Cheeto Jesus.  Needless to say, most of them were as appallingly uninformed as you would expect the average viewer of Faux News.  For the most part they credit the continued strength of the economy to The Donald and laud a foreign policy which has seen our standing around the world sink to new lows.  The latest news regarding the *president's affair with a porn star will probably just increase their support of their testosterone fueled leader.  That he treats the press as an "enemy of the people" is a feature, not a bug.  I have no doubt 30% of the German population would have written similarly fulsome paeans to Hitler in 1944.  There seems to be an irreducible percentage of the population of any given country who applaud an authoritarian leader, even one as lazy, ignorant and bumbling as the miscreant now holed up in the White House.  I look forward to the Times dedicating its editorial section to those of us who voted for Hillary Clinton and what we make of the contrast between her and the poison pill we swallowed last November.

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