Thursday, January 25, 2018

Secret Societies and the Deep State

It is amazing to me the new war on the intelligence community presently being waged by the right and its proxies.  Of course, for most of the combatants, the word intelligence is reason enough for the fight.  They certainly don't believe you need it in order to oppose  it.  Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is a case in point.  He maintains that a "secret society" exists in the FBI which is planning a coup against tRump.  Meanwhile, Rushbo opines that although the "deep state" couldn't get Al Gore elected in 2000, it was able to finagle the Shrub into going to war in Iraq by feeding him false intel regarding Sadaam's WMD.  As in all of its conspiracy theories, the right attributes nearly supernatural powers to its foes, even as it mocks their weakness.  What is particularly crazy about the latest jihad is its focus on the agencies in the government the right has historically supported.  The FBI, the NSA and CIA have fought against all the shibboleths of the right.  Communists, socialists, black panthers and liberals of every stripe were the targets of the buttoned down G-Men.  Of course, the communists are now the allies of the NRA and right thinking Murcan's, so Russian meddling in US elections by definition cannot be a bad thing.  I imagine the National Review will be quoting Pravda as a source in the near future.

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