Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Broken Meter

I refer to the "Outrage" meter, a metaphorical device the MSM uses to measure the political temperature of the electorate.  Thanks to the latest tRumpian  maneuvers by the House Intelligence committee, my internal outrage meter is probably irreparably damaged.  According to the chair of the committee, it is right for them to release a memo based on classified information, but not right for the minority to release its own memo which comes to a somewhat different conclusion.  To quote the title of a recent book, this is "How Democracies Die".  When the party which controls all levers of government power stifles the minority in service to an authoritarian leader bent on defying democratic norms, the stage is set for the gradual loss of freedom.  Like the proverbial frog in a slowly heated cauldron we won't realize the loss of our democracy until it is well done.  The *president won't allow the release of memo which supposedly details anti-Trump fervor at the FBI until after his state of the union address, but I'm sure he will preview its contents along with his many and various grievances. 

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