Friday, January 12, 2018

Mayhem at the Daycare center

Cheeto Jesus let the cat out of his racist bag yesterday.   At a "bipartisan" ( one democrat and a dozen republicans) meeting to discuss immigration reform, our president let it be known he resents the fact we admit brown or black skinned people from "shithole countries" like Haiti, El Salvador and most of Africa.  Instead we should be encouraging immigration from countries like Norway.  Now, there is no way to spin this admission, and thankfully the White House didn't even try.  I wouldn't want to be the press secretary at today's briefing for any amount of money.  The spawn of Huck will earn every penny she is paid when confronting the fallout from her boss' admission of blatant racism.  Of course there are many of my fellow Americans who will cheer this new low in presidential rhetoric.  I almost wax nostalgic for Tricky Dick and his homespun way with words.

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