Friday, January 19, 2018

Golfing while the American Dream burns

What more perfect metaphor for the dysfunctionality of our political system than the spectacle of the *president heading to south Florida for a golf weekend as the Congress struggles to keep the government funded as it faces a government shutdown at midnight.  I won't even go into the details of the hush money tRump's personal lawyer paid a porn star to not spill the beans regarding sexual encounters (ugh!) with the putative commander in chief.  There have been a half dozen scandals regarding the *president in the past year which would have toppled any other administration in US history.  The bar is now set so low that the Donald's boast he could shoot someone dead in broad daylight on 5th Avenue in NYC and not be prosecuted is starting to seem prophetic.  However, the idea we should stand by as this travesty of a man spends the weekend golfing while the fate of nearly a million "dreamers' are held hostage is more than this observer can stand. 

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