Tuesday, January 16, 2018

More in anger than in sorrow

As has been asked so many times in the last year, has the *president gone too far in his latest rant about immigration from "shithole" countries?  Judging by the diametrically opposite takes from right wing and mainstream media sources, it all depends on who you talk to.  Most congressional republicans either deplore the comment or more reprehensively deny it was made, as per the new line from the White House.  In the country, only 31% of respondents in a recent poll feel tRump is preserving the American way of life.   If the 69% who disagree with that statement vote their feelings in November, there will be many sleepless nights in the West Wing in 2019.   Meanwhile as his proverbial Rome ignites and burns, The Donald celebrated MLK day by playing golf at his exclusive course in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.  No word on who was included in his foursome, but it is doubtful any of them were black.  Disrespecting Dr. King was probably not a conscious decision by Cheeto Jesus, but just a normal day for this profoundly dysfunctional jerk.

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