Monday, January 22, 2018

Being the grownup is hard

Sometimes this government seems like a group of 10 year olds trying to decide what to do on a Saturday afternoon.  Almost everyone has a pretty good idea, but one or two loud voices proclaim their way is the only one which will produce a good outcome.  So the argument goes on until it is too late to do anything but head home for dinner.  When the parents ask what happened during the day, the response is "nothing".   Fast forward to 2018.  The ten year olds are now leading Congress and the *president is again proving he is only 9 and insecure about it.  Unfortunately, thanks to gerrymandering and voter suppression by the GOP and a Democratic party made up of historically politically apathetic voters, we are now at a crossroads.  Will the grownups take charge and move the country forward or will the 10 year olds continue to dither.

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