Friday, January 26, 2018

Blowing up bubbles

As I watched the evolving scandal involving Cheeto Jesus' attempt to fire the Robert Meuller  less than a month into his tenure last year, I wondered what my conservative counterparts would be watching on Faux News.  Probably the latest conspiracy theories regarding FBI perfidy and attempts by the "deep state" to overthrow our dear leader.   Naturally that is not what they think.  So we go back to our respective corners and hurl invective at each other via third parties.   Will it change?  I doubt it, especially since the well funded puke funnel on the right will continue its mission of convincing a large minority of Americans that their government is illegitimate unless it serves the purposes of a tiny number of billionaires who don't even realize they will be caught in the maelstrom if their ostensible program of government remodeling creates a citizenry opposed to even the basic functions of modern government.  Someone needs to pop the bubbles and start a real conversation.   But first, we need to agree on what constitutes facts.

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