Friday, January 5, 2018

Climate change blues

The east coast of the US represents about 1% of the land mass of the earth.  Unfortunately it also is the present nexus of global power.    The wielders of this power in many cases have a vested interest in continuing the world's reliance on burning fossil fuels to produce energy.  Certainly the present administration and the majorities of House and Senate republicans prefer to continue our suicidal energy choices.   They will be pointing to the record cold blanketing the eastern US as some sort of proof that "global warming" is a hoax.  The truth is, 90% of the rest of the world is baking in record warmth.  2017 will either be the warmest year on record globally or certainly in the top 5.  That all the warmest years have happened in the last 10 years is not a coincidence.   If there are any humans alive in 500 years, the historians among them will point to the climate anomaly on the most powerful nation of the early part of the 21st century as possibly the major cause of irreversible climate change which may well render many parts of the globe uninhabitable 100 years from now.  Meanwhile, pass the hot chocolate and put another log on the fire!

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