Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A nasty little speech

I didn't watch it and according to most accounts I didn't miss much.  If you expected anything more than the fantasies of the ultimate poseur, you would have been disappointed.  According to those who subjected themselves to the hour or so of time they will never get back, the speech was by turns a brag on an economy he has had precious little to do with, a bellicose warning to North Korea in the same vein as the Shrub's diatribe against Saddam in 2002 and swipes at immigrants with his proclamation that "Americans are dreamers to".  A thoroughly obnoxious performance by the accounts of people I respect.  I'm sure "Fox and Friends" will be heaping praise on the *president's performance as will much of the right wing media.  Some on the far right will be disappointed in the lack of mention of a "deportation force" to ethnically cleanse the country of the 11 million people without papers.  I can't believe we will have to go through this charade 3 more times.

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