Friday, January 12, 2018

The mythical Boomer power trip

I meant to rant about how the baby boomers screwed up the world ever since the first one was conceived in the late 1940s, but in a Trumpian moment, I forgot about it.   Now, Joe Biden has reopened the debate by telling millenials to "Give me a break" if they are feeling they have it tougher than boomers.  Personally, I think Uncle Joe should STFU and fade into the sunset.  If he is even a Boomer it is just by courtesy, as he is over 70 which as far as I can tell makes him one of the younger members of the "greatest generation".  I will grant to millenials they have it harder than most of us did.   Even if you financed your entire college education in the 1960s and 70s with borrowed money you wound up with a manageable student loan which depreciated in the early 80s with high inflation.  Meanwhile, a 4 year education today can run upwards of $200.000.  This sum entitles you to a job which pays in inflation adjusted terms less than most boomers made in the 80s.  However, the rap that boomers screwed up the entire world is laughable.  Carter, Reagan, George Bush the elder were from the aforementioned "greatest".  While not responsible for the conditions which led to the Great Depression and WW2, the survivors of these events reaped the rewards of being the lone superpower for a generation and proceeded to despoil the world in an orgy of consumption.  Many boomers rebelled against this regime, but through the early 90s were not in powerful positions in government or industry.  Even Bill Clinton and the Shrub were fringe boomers who got to where they were by sucking up to their elders.  Al Gore might have been the only one of us who might have altered the trajectory we are on, but he was effectively silenced by the media noise machine controlled by people with the conscience of a Rupert Murdoch.  What I am saying is the first boomers with any power were in the Obama administration and they were effectively hamstrung by elderly republicans in Congress.  I hate to say it, but the tRump administration is staffed up with many boomers who ventured to the dark side.  If this is truly the time boomers are finally wielding real power, I admit I am ashamed of my generation.  I can only hope the 2018 and 2020 elections allow us some chance at redemption.  But to say we are responsible for our present predicament is simplistic and unjust.

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