Monday, January 29, 2018

A brief respite

A couple of days where the mercury managed to stagger above the freezing mark!  My largest seed and growing supply order arrived.  Can it be that spring is just around the corner.  NOT!   This morning a chill wind and temperatures in the teens would disabuse anyone but a diehard winter lover that spring on the NCR remains but a faint hope at this point.   Hot soup will remain the meal of choice at Casa Monzeglio for the nonce.  Meanwhile, apologists for the tRump administration are poking  their heads out of their bunkers like wizened ground hogs, hoping the winter of their discontent will soon be over.   In the NYT, one of Cheeto Jesus' economic advisors trumpeted the continued gains in the stock market and a couple of corporate decisions to repatriate money to the US as proof positive that the administration's economic vision has overtaken the Obama years The Donald now owns the economy.  Of course when the inevitable recession comes it will be the Democrats fault, especially the perfidious Muslim usurper's.   And so it goes.

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