Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Being a Democrat means always having to say you're sorry

It is hard to be a member of the Democratic political party in 2018.   The energy surrounding the party is energizing and palpable.  Constituencies that never had representation, such as LGBTQ and Dreamers have found champions.  Women in the age of tRump are also feeling empowered.  The massive marches over the weekend proved to many that the women's movement is here to stay and will make a huge difference in the next election cycle.  However, many of the stakeholders in the party and the media are still operating like it's 1999.  The government shutdown over the weekend is a case in point.  The media couldn't condemn the movement fast enough with the explicit message that Dems were losing the battle with McConnnel and his henchman.  So Schumer accepted CHIP funding and a nebulous promise that there would be a DACA vote before the latest CR expires on Feb. 8.  The real solution to the problem will be Dem majorities in the House and Senate, and if the party plays the excellent hand Cheeto Jesus has dealt them the election of 2018 will provide the votes needed to fix the immigration system.  In the meantime, continuing apologies to a disappointed base will be the order of the day.

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