Monday, January 8, 2018

Thanks Obama

According to Kevin Drum, the republican party as an institution is in its death throes.   As things now stand, with even a moderate democratic party turnout in the mid-term elections this year, the GOP will be "squashed like bugs".  This will in turn exacerbate a long time defection of white voters who will be increasingly disgusted by the party's appeal to a racist, xenophobic base of low information voters.  tRump's share of the overall white vote declined from Mitt Romney's share.  He did attract more high school graduates, but lost among college educated voters.  Republicans will continue to lose the more educated white demographic even as their brand becomes ever more toxic to blacks, Hispanics and Asians.  It looks like the republican party will become a regional party who will control vast swaths of rural America in the short run, but as more rational redistricting is forced on gerrymandered states by the courts, the GOP will cease to exist as a factor in national politics.  Future historians will point to Obama's election as one of the precipitating events in the demise of one of the two national political parties at the beginning of the 21st century.   Thanks Obama.

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