Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Weather woes continue

Depending on where you were in the North country yesterday, you were under a tornado watch, experienced torrential rain, high winds and stifling humidity.  Trees were downed, people lost power and in general it was a miserable late summer day.  The rain was so heavy many people either pulled over on the highway or used their flashers to warn they were running well below the speed limit.  I have lived in this area for the past 16 years and have never experienced the weather extremes we have seen on a weekly basis this spring and summer.  It appears this may be the new normal.  If so, it will be a challenging and extremely risky gamble to put seeds in the ground and expect to harvest a crop in this area.  Judging by the reports from other areas around the country agriculture may replace casinos as the most risky venues to invest your hard earned dollars.

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