Friday, August 25, 2017

Autumnal dropping of leaves and shoes

The temperature dropped into the mid 40s on the NCR last night and it felt like Fall was in the air this morning.  The leaves on the trees are still green, but this morning was a reminder they will be turning shortly and the long slog toward winter will begin, much to the annoyance of the Divine Mrs. M.  As the weather cools down, the various investigations of last year's elections are heating up and instead of leaves, shoes will be dropping on Capitol Hill.   Robert Mueller's team will be turning up the pressure on various Cheeto Jesus henchman and at least some of them will flip on their boss.  It will be interesting to see how The Donald's most fanatic followers react as the full picture of Russian complicity with his campaign becomes undeniable.  The term deplorable seems inadequate to describe the basket of racists, misogynists, homophobes and other misfits who will probably never abandon their vision of the republican party led by the Tweeter in Chief.

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