Monday, August 28, 2017

Not climate change

While it may seem superficial or callous to call attention to the long term implications of the weather disaster that is now tropical storm Harvey, someone has to play Cassandra, so it might as well be me.  It has already been called a 500 year storm, but in the same breath it could also be the harbinger of similar storms which may occur every 20 or 30 years from now on.  The warming atmosphere is now primed to hold more and more moisture.  Under the right conditions this water vapor can condense into the catastrophe now unfolding in Texas.  Houston may be inundated with up to 50 inches of rain in less than a week.   Far less rainfall during Katrina drowned New Orleans.  What does this mean for the country and the world?   The Tweeter-in-Chief, besides providing glowing praise for the emergency responders has done precious little but monitor the Weather Channel.  If he actually listened to the meteorologists, he would come away with a better understanding of what the human race will be confronting in the next few decades.  Harvey is another in a series of wake-up calls for humanity.  We need to stop hitting the snooze button and get out of our proverbial beds.  The time is now.

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