Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Fire next time

According to bible scholars, fire will be the agent of choice when the flying spaghetti monster decides to cleanse the earth.  Thanks to the tRump administration we may have a choice in how we are incinerated and at what rate.   A new climate report by government scientists, which was leaked to the press before Scott Pruitt's EPA could redact it, states there is incontrovertible proof human caused climate change is a thing and it has already affected weather in the US.  It will be interesting to see how The Donald's lackeys spin this latest "leak".   I doubt Cheeto Jesus will read more than a paragraph or two before declaring it as fake news, just like every other inconvenient truth he is presented with.  Meanwhile, he threatened North Korea with "fire and fury"  if they keep making threats and testing missiles and weapons.  Kim Jong Un then threatened to attack Guam.  The ball is now in the president's court.  So, what will it be, long term climate annihilation or short term nuclear extinction.  Over 60 million Americans voted for this choice.

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