Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice, presidential episode

Reading furiously from the teleprompter in front of an audience composed almost entirely of active duty service members, our president (it hurts to even think that, let alone write it) gave his best shot at looking like he is fit for the office.  Of course, every president knows he will win press accolades by appearing on TV and proposing the killing of more brown people in far off lands.  For some reason, most of the mainstream media equates American sponsored death and destruction as somehow showcasing American leadership.   Nothing tRump said was any different than what his predecessors proposed regarding the failed Afghan state.  As the Russians and British before them our leaders have discovered Afghanistan is the ultimate quagmire.  Unfortunately, they have learned nothing from this.  As a wealthy nation, we can squander large sums of money indefinitely in this corner of the world and as long as the casualties are not to noticeable.   Unless there is a horrific massacre of American troops, the carnage will continue, mostly through drone strikes.  Cheeto Jesus will not save us or the Afghans, but he will ensure that more of us die in the name of American security.

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