Thursday, August 24, 2017

Once more into the breach

Hillary Clinton's autopsy of the 2016 election, "What Happened" is out and even if you don't read it, it will be excerpted to death by the media until either they or their audience loses interest.  They have already chosen a few episodes to highlight, especially the infamous stalking of Clinton by tRump in the second presidential debate.  If only she had paused and said what she was thinking and said "Back up you creep", she would have solidified her support among most women and a majority of men.  Instead she showed she was and is cool under pressure.  Unfortunately the performance was not appreciated by enough voters.  Of course the media will try to focus on mistakes her campaign made and not on the role many outlets played in boosting The Donald while focusing obsessively on her e-mails.  Some critics have even gone so far as to say the NYT and Washington Post were quick to claim they were the last bastions against Trump immediately after the election and signed up hundreds of thousands of Clinton supporters as subscribers.  As we and they know there would have been no such response if Clinton had won!  Meanwhile, we are treated to the spectacle of Cheeto Jesus appealing to his base at a rally in Phoenix.  Contrast the unhinged rant directed at the virtually everyone but his low information base with the measured tone displayed by Clinton throughout the campaign.  I will end with that thought.

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