Thursday, August 3, 2017


There is a heady whiff of bi-partisanship floating in the air around DC this morning that is probably launching a thousand beltway pundit articles praising this development.  I am referring to Tennessee senator Lamar Alexander and his co-chair of the senate Health Education Labor and Pension committee who will hold hearings next month on the possibility of stabilizing the health insurance markets.  As anyone looking at this issue with a clear eye can tell you there is no compromise possible between democrats, who want to cover as many people as possible as a basic human right and republicans who feel health care is a privilege which must be earned.  This is an either/or decision not something that can be compromised.  If a few republicans cross over, a  deal could be done, but those defectors would inevitably be challenged by the crazies in future primaries and would lose their seats.  It would take a true profile in courage for that to happen.  I'm not holding my breath.

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