Friday, August 4, 2017

A bigger issue

Those of us who think politics have been consumed since the 2016 elections by the phenomena of Donald Trump.  How this blatantly unfit charlatan could have been chosen as the republican candidate and then elected is so far beyond me as to be in another universe.  His constant antics and the hateful policies he pursues rivet our attention to the exclusion of virtually all other issues.  However, after reading a new article about the coming climate apocalypse in New York Magazine, I am truly terrified for the future of the human race.  While the worst scenarios won't play  out in the remainder of my life, my grandchildren will be at ground zero when the wild weather, ocean rise and other associated climate changes start the process of mass extinction of most life on earth.  Whether it is suffocation as oxygen starts to decline, starvation because of crop failure or death by hurricane or other natural disaster, it looks like a grim future for our immediate descendants.  Our fascination with Trump will be looked at in the not too distant future like a distraction which helped keep us from focusing on the biggest problem confronting the human race.

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