Monday, August 14, 2017

Spotty showers and democracy

Weather similes and metaphors are probably weak, but I think in this case they fit the news and weather over the weekend, at least here on the NCR.   Friday night and Saturday were supposed to be showery and miserable, but at Casa Monzeglio we had no rain and the harvest for the Farmers' Market on Saturday was conducted under dry conditions.  After delivering the veggies to my friends at Black Sheep Farms, I proceeded to kill weeds until mid-afternoon, when it was time to play golf with friends.  Driving 30 miles to the course, I passed through the aftermath of several thunderstorms and on arrival discovered the course was closed due to excessive rainfall during an early afternoon storm.  Heading home, there was no evidence of rain, and the cultivation and weed control continued.  Comparing the intermittent weather here to demonstrations for and against the removal of a monument to the traitor Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville seems like a stretch, but the reactions to the clash of neo-Nazi, KKK and white supremacists with "antifa" groups were as varied as the weather over the weekend.  From full throated condemnation by most responsible commentators to the tepid rejection of "many sides" by our president it ran the gamut.  It would seem Cheeto Jesus will continue to refuse to reject white supremacism.  I think he realizes his base is mostly supporting him because of his stand in this regard.  Anyone who doesn't believe 30% of our fellow countrymen are either racists or they at the very least tolerate racism is living in a fool's paradise. 

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