Tuesday, August 15, 2017


I was crossing the border in the normal course of events this morning and glancing to my right as I motored into Canada I saw what looked like a military camp within a stone's through of the USA.  Looking more closely at the semi chaotic mess, it occurred to me no army worth its salt would put up with this apparently unplanned state of affairs.  Besides, unless the objective was to march on Plattsburgh (the British did in 1814 and it didn't turn  out well), there is no reason for soldiers on a peaceful border.  Then it hit me.   This was a refugee camp.  Our local NPR station has been covering the exodus of dark skinned immigrants who are fleeing the US as the tRump administration continues to crack down on undocumented persons.  Many of these people are refugees from Haiti who were granted temporary immigration status after the great earthquake.  They still have no home to go back to, but in today's America, that sort of economic argument doesn't work anymore.  It's all about looking tough and showing ordinary white folks that The Donald has your back.  Meanwhile, hundreds, if not thousands of people are cheerfully crossing the border and being arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  They are then transported to the camp on the border for processing before being released to wait for their day in immigration court.  Canada's policies are not much different from ours, but the bully boy tactics of ICE have frightened many into believing they will get a better deal with our neighbor to the north.  Somewhere, Emma Lazarus is weeping....

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