Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Can we all agree

I thought it was a summer thunderstorm last night which interrupted the harvest and other garden activities last night.  However, when I turned on the TV last night it was the sound of talking heads exploding that made more noise.  It seems that Cheeto Jesus finally went a bridge too far for most liberal and even some conservatives at his chaotic press conference yesterday at tRump tower.  He didn't imply, but instead drew a moral equivalence between the neo-Nazi white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville last weekend and the counter demonstrators who stood up to the hate mongers and their confederate flag waving, swastika toting goons.  Any doubt about where the president's sympathies lie was put to rest as he challenged the "fake media" to contradict him.  Today there will be calls for people of good will working for this disgrace to the office of president to resign in protest.  I would like to believe it will happen, but most of these people drank the kool-aid long ago and will cling to their positions in the face of their boss's manifest unfitness for the job.  At some point, these people will have to explain to their children and grandchildren how they could continue to work for an administration which gives aid and comfort to David Duke and all he stands for.  Now is the time for all people of conscience to reject Donald Trump. 

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