Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Not a 6 foot invisible rabbit

Unlike that Harvey, the tropical storm with the same name remains a ubiquitous presence in Texas for yet another day.  By the time it begins to pound neighboring Louisiana on Thursday, this "1000 year storm" will have dumped up to 50 inches of rain in some areas around Houston.  The city may take decades to recover from the damage now being inflicted.  And who is to say another storm may already be brewing in the overheated Gulf of Mexico as I write this.  I feel for the people caught in this meat grinder, but I fear compassion will be demanded more and more as the full force of human generated climate change begins to be felt on a wide scale.  This is what they call a "teachable moment", but I doubt Cheeto Jesus sees it as just another photo op as he flies in to view the damage.  Unfortunately, it will be all about The Donald, instead of the millions of people suffering on the ground.

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