Monday, August 7, 2017

That famous river in Africa

Denial was front and center as Chuck Schumer addressed a gathering on the NCR last week.  The local NPR reporter was figuratively scratching his head as Schumer opined he could work with McConnell and Trump on many issues.  He added the democrats were rolling out an economic plan focused on the economic worries of "middle class" (read white) voters and would remain laser focused on economic issues.  If economic worries were what motivated whites in the last election, Hillary would have won in a walk.  She presented real policies which would have addressed the issues facing America in the 21st century.  What they really wanted was what tRump offered, namely the permission to hate and fear those who don't look like them or believe the things they want to believe.  A case in point is the state of West Virginia.  A higher percentage of the population depends on federal government programs in that state than any other, yet republicans control virtually all of the state government.  The recently elected democratic governor just changed his registration to republican.  Oh, and did I mention the population is overwhelmingly white.  Unless and until democrats realize they are the party of those left off the whites' only train and start pumping up their base of blacks, latinos, Asians and educated whites, they will be a pathetic also ran.  As the republicans found out many years ago, racism is a potent issue and will remain so in many areas for years to come.  Economics has little to do with the resentment and hate felt by many of Schumer's working class voters.

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