Thursday, June 1, 2017

Denier in chief

Unless the last person Cheeto Jesus speaks to before he steps into the Rose Garden later today is a rational, fact based scientist, it looks like the US will join Nicaragua and Syria as the lone holdouts to the Paris Climate Agreement.  Unfortunately for the rest of the world, this country emits nearly 25% of the carbon pollution each year.  The rage of Trump's base and his promises to "bring back" the coal industry and the many pick and shovel jobs seems to be the motivating factor behind this betrayal of future generations.  King Coal has steadily lost jobs since the 1960s and tossing aside agreements we made in good faith will provoke a backlash which will probably cost more miners their jobs.  States like California, industries like GM and Ford and cities around the country are committed to clean energy and many will shun anything to do with coal.  I'm sure the city of Palm Beach will expedite the permits needed to build a sea wall around Mar-a-Lago in the near future!  It remains to be seen if there will be a city to provide services to the estate if current climate trends continue.

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