Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Building the Ark

It was a beautiful Memorial Day weekend in the north country, if you discount the actual Day itself.  As with each previous week in May, there was just enough rain to keep the heavier soils in the gardens just too wet to work.  I was able to plant most of the tomatoes peppers and eggplants, but the cool temperatures combined with the overall wetness will get them off to a challenging start.  The summer  and winter squashes have germinated in pots in the cold frames and will patiently wait (I hope) for warmer and drier weather.  The 10 day forecast is not very hopeful.  Most large growers of field corn gambled and worked their soils over the weekend and planted and here and there you can see rows of seedlings breaking the surface.  Pretty soon it will be now or never time for many crops. 

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