Monday, May 22, 2017

Making Sure

Jesus said the "poor will always be with you"  and it looks like tRump and the republicans in congress want to at least corroborate at least this one statement from the founder of the religion they supposedly honor.  Thanks to the villains thieves and scoundrels surrounding the Donald, the budget the administration is set to release tomorrow envisions a $1.7 trillion cut in social safety net programs over the next ten years.  These cuts would help pave the way for up to $5 trillion dollars in tax cuts, mostly for the wealthy.   It's funny how each republican government advocates tax cuts for the 1% in the face of overwhelming evidence they do very little to stimulate the economy.   Of course if a poor carpenter of color began preaching the gospels today he would be dismissed as a communist and prosecuted in the court of public opinion.  The other interesting contrast is how republicans howl about the deficit when a democrat is president, but will hardly peep about a budget buster when a republican is the chief executive.  Praise the Lord!

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