Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Time Bombs

Depending on who you listen to or what newspapers and blogs you read, either your hair is on fire after the latest bombshell was dropped by James Comey, or it's just another dose of #Fake News and there is nothing to see here.   Even some of the left leaning blogs can hardly believe the feral stupidity of our current ( but probably not for long) president.   As the NYT reported, Comey wrote at least one memo after meeting with tRump in January.  The memo states unequivocally the president asked the VP to leave the room and then, referring to the FBI investigation of recently fired NSA  director Michael Flynn, asked Comey to "let it go".   While that is not an open and shut case of obstruction of justice, it is certainly an attempt to influence an ongoing investigation.  tRump was certainly smart enough to get potential witnesses out of the room, but he obviously wasn't familiar with Comey's  habit of memorializing potentially explosive meetings with political superiors.   It would seem that even republicans, or at least those vulnerable to electoral fallout will have to respond to these revelations.  The smart money is on the supposition that Comey leaked one of the least damaging memos in his arsenal.  If  this doesn't result in the appointment of a special prosecutor, there will be more shoes dropping in D.C.  The GOP had better be issuing reinforced umbrellas this summer!

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