Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day in the garden

Looks like the garden will be too wet to work for the next few days.  I spent the weekend putting in onion transplants, starting summer squash and cucumber seedlings and transplanting peppers and tomatoes.  So far I am not too far behind other years, but another week of wet weather will set things back.  The biggest fear is the weeds getting ahead of emerging seedlings.  Without dry weather to help kill them, cultivation will only move weeds around.  Once this happens you are better served by abandoning weed infested beds and starting new ones.  Unfortunately this only works if you have dry areas to plant.  So it becomes a choice of lesser evils, or no choice at all.  Meanwhile, the grass continues to grow and I haven't started a mower yet.  I'm not ready to issue a May Day just yet, but another week of wet weather may prompt that response.

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