Thursday, May 25, 2017

The hits keep coming

Literally, in the case of a republican candidate for congress in a special election in Montana.  Greg Gianforte was arrested last night after he alledgedly "body slammed" a reporter to the ground and started punching him after the reporter, Ben Jacobs of the Guardian asked him for a comment on the CBO score of the latest GOP health care monstrosity.  Unfortunately for Ginanforte, he did it in front of witnesses, so he will likely be prosecuted for assault.  Unfortunately for Montana, since most ballots have already been cast they will probably be represented by a convicted felon until the next special election.   Most liberal commenters are of the opinion this display of hostility to the media would have helped the republican in this age of Trump.  Ever since Cheeto Jesus exhorted the crowds at pre and post election rallies to vilify the press, we have been building toward the moment where actual assaults on working members of the press would be if not sanctioned, then at least implicitly favored by the more conservative elements of the GOP.   It remains to be seen if the conservative press will condemn this act.  If they do not and make excuses for Gianforte, we will have reached a tipping point where the first amendment to the constitution will be considered superfluous by a majority of one of our political parties.  On the other hand, a resounding defense of Jacobs by "Fox and Friends" would by a victory for freedom of the press.  I would counsel anyone reading this to not hold their breath waiting for that to happen.

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