Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Incompetence at the highest levels

As Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, the tRump administration is having trouble filling positions in many agencies.   This is not merely due to incompetence.  Besides the fact few in The Donald's immediate circle have much experience in government, they aren't connected with the people who know the people who can fill positions at the various departments.  After eight years of democratic government and eight previous under the disgraced Bush administration there is a pretty small pool of talent available.  Add to that problem the fact that many republicans would rather remain at their day jobs in the wingnut welfare programs run by the Koch brothers et. al. and you have a serious talent shortage which may leave some departments understaffed for the balance of Trump's first term.  What will happen when a crisis demands the expertise of some agency in charge of disaster planning?   I guess we'll find out the hard way.

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