Friday, May 12, 2017

Health Insurance

It seems to me that the richest country in the history of the world should make sure that every citizen should have access to at least a minimum suite of services which will keep him or her healthy and productive.  Preventive care, maternity benefits, paid leave to care for children and parents would seem to be no-brainers in the 21st century.  Yet, many of our elected officials persist in a Victorian mindset which equates poverty with laziness.  These sanctimonious purveyors of misery seem to believe that being poor is a disease in an of itself, instead of a symptom of societal sociopathy.  Of course, it's all right for people like Paul Ryan to use social security survivor benefits when his father died, but he would now like to deny such comforts to the "undeserving" poor who truly need them.  For a nation which professes to believe and act on the teachings of Christ, we are doing a piss poor job of implementing  His dictums.   The passage of the AHCA  is a monstrous perversion of our beliefs for the purpose of providing the wealthy with a giant tax cut.  Somewhere, Jesus is weeping.

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